Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Gold Stories



Where to find gold and people looking for gold !


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The Legend of The Lost Gold Mine of Pitt Lake
I'll be a litte short winded on the legend part as
its been a long time since I recall it.I believe I was
around 10 yrs old when I first heard it.That was like
38 years ago (Wow how time flies).

The story goes something like this.

Apparently there was this big half breed Indian that
used to paddle into New Westminister,BC,Canada.
Back then New Westminister was a Port City.
Settlers and out lying communities could pick up
supplies , sell there goods , watch entertainment ,
drink etc.You could also sell your gold there.

According to legend this Big Indian fellow paddles
into New West and has with him some gold nuggets.
He sold them and picks up some supplies.Spends the
night , meets a lady.Rumor he could use some
company plus it would be nice to have someone to do
the cooking and cleaning.Being a Lady of the Night she
seen an opportunity to make some money.Maybe even get out
of the trade,Who knows,maybe they even fell in love.

They spent another night and departed the next day.
No one seen or heard from them until one day a month
or so later.The Big Indian guy (I'll call him Guy
from now on).Shows up in New West.This time he has a
fairly large amount of gold nuggets.Sells them , spends
the night.Gets his supplies and leaves.Well this time its
about 2 months before anyone sees him. When he comes to
town this time he has a large bag of gold .He goes to a
local bar and is drinking heavily.Having a good time and
buying drinks for everyone.In the conversation a couple of
locals start asking about Mary.(I'm calling the lady he took
with him Mary).The good ole boys are asking how their Mary's
doing .That they miss her and the town just hasn't been the
same without her.Why didn't she come into town with him,It
wouldn't be like "Mary" to stay out in the bush for three
months without wanting to come to town. Surely she must need
some personal things as such ???

Guy goes on to explain that " Heck ! ". When he returned home
the last time.She was gone so was a bag of gold and his small
canoe.He said he just figured that he'd been ripped off. She
probably sneeked into town and jumped on the first boat or train
and left town without anyone seeing her, as to not leaving any
trail or evidence behind her. So she couldn't be caught .Guy
explained that he had just hit a large vein of solid gold .
Wasn't concerned about the bag of gold nuggets she'd taken.
Heck , there's a 100 times that in the spot I just found .
Bye the way , I'm sticking around for a while cuz I needs me
another dishwasher,They all laugh and agree that hey Mary Mary
Quite Contrary.Probably had did exactly as Guy had said.After all
Mary had been talking about splitting out of town.

Guy continues buying drinks for the next couple of days.Meanwhile
Tom and Joe (the 2 new best buddies of Guy) are scheming up a plan.
A plan to find out where Guys secret little spot is .............

Now for the rest of the story.

Well Tom and Joe decided that they would hook Guy up with Tom's
sister.They figured that Guy's sister , a very attractive young
lady in her late 20's *(we'll say 29 yrs old).Was no push over and
knew how to take care of herself.On top of her being gay she was a
little more than tom boyish.

All " Edna " (we'll call her Eddy) had to do ,was charm her way into
Guy's camp.How hard could that be .Meanwhile Tom and Joe figured they
follow Eddy from a distance.Paddling there canoe about a mile behind
downstream.Eddy would simply take a large bouquet of flowers with her
and pluck petals into the river as to keep Tom and Joe on the right
track.When there was no more petals to be seen.The boys would simply
dock there canoe and go it on foot.After all they couldn't be that
far behind.Besides with Eddy constantly chatting up a storm ,humming
or singing one favorite songs.They would certainly be able to sneak up
and find the spot.
With the Fool Proof plan decided on. It was time to take action.It
didn't take long to set the wheels into gear.Guy was at the bar and
was nearly floored when he set his eyes on Eddy. It was a done deal.

The very next day Eddy and Guy were heading upriver.Tom and Joe
lagging behind.They paddled for a day and a half,when the flower
pedals quit coming.So they decided to dock the boat and start searching
on foot.They no sooner had docked when joe seen something floating in
the river.They quickly got back into their canoe and raced out into the
river.Well you wouldn't believe it.
There she was "Eddy". Eddy was dead floating down stream.They brought
her back to shore and contemplated what to do next ???

They decided there was nothing they could do for Eddy cause she was
dead,They'd leave her here and pick her body up on the way back
downstream.They would go look for Guy and find out just what had
As the story goes....Tom and Joe canoed until dark and decided to set
up camp for the night.Tomorrow they would find Guy ?
Tomorrow never came.It was told that some prospectors ,looking for gold
in the area found the 2 men badly beaten with both there heads cut or
pulled off.They never did find Eddy.

Guy was never seen or heard from again in those parts.
We will never know ?
Was there ever a Gold Mine around Pitt Lake ?
Was Guy a bank robber and was only using Pitt Lake as a hiding spot
and New Westminster as the place to get rid of his loot?
Did Guy kill both women and the 2 men to hide his gold mine?
There was also a rumor that a Sasquatch was known to frequent the
area creating havoc on all who ventured into the backwoods of
Pitt Lake.
" The Sasquatch " now thats a whole new story !

Too this day no one has found the lost Gold Mine of Pitt Lake.
So if you are going to be looking for gold ? Maybe this might be
a good starting point ?

The next story is a true one.It's about my friend and I looking for
the lost Gold Mine Of Pitt Lake,and finding what we thought was it.

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